Advanced Cardiovascular Care Whistleblower Lawsuit
Between June 2013 and June 2016, Advanced Cardiovascular Care Center P.A. submitted claims to Medicare for services that were not medically necessary or reasonable according to standards of practice. The unnecessary medical billings included echocardiograms, duplicate procedures, and treatments not justified by standard care guidelines.
A qui tam lawsuit was filed against Advanced Cardiovascular Care Center by a cardiologist who had been a former employee of the center. The False Claims Act’s Qui Tam provision allows individuals to file lawsuits under a seal of confidentiality when fraud has occurred. The False Claims Act also allows the whistleblower to collect a portion of any fines or penalties assessed against the accused.
In July 2020, following an investigation, the U.S. Department of Justice reached an agreement with Advanced Cardiovascular Care Center A.P. and two of its executives to pay $400,000 to resolve allegations of False Claims Act violations. Represented by Seeger Weiss partner Shauna Itri, the anonymous whistleblower received a portion of this settlement for bringing the alleged misconduct to light.